Saturday, 30 January 2010

Fortune Teller

And before you ask, as I know you will, I know what you are like......

The title of this particular post does not refer to the song by the same name, you know the one, do I really need to tell you, ok, this one...... Fortune Teller.

Although that link only tells you about the song itself, which according to the information supplied was written by an American gentleman called Allan, but using the name Naomi, yes, I’m confused too, but then he (she?) is doing no harm so each to their own I guess.

When I first thought of the name for the post title (that itself is linked to the clip up there, was supposed to be the basis of this post and I will explain eventually I promise) I immediately had the song running through my head, as songs do when you recall them, so I thought I should track (track, get it, sorry)  it down and share it with the populus.

The actual version that was running through my head is this one which is from one of the very very bestest albums of all time.

However, as I sought out (no seeker gags I promise) the particular version I wanted I stumbled on this one too, don’t listen, its nowhere near as good (you can if you want, I did) ... ( bet then I had never heard it or knew of its existence, bloomin good year though, 1968) Its quite telling that at the start Pete comments on how it was only the second time they had played it (the first being the previous night) you can tell that yourself when you listen to the other version that was recorded 2yrs later lol, as I said, far better :-)

Enough of all that anyway, it’s not what this post was supposed to be about, it wasn’t my intention your honour, the post was supposed to be about that wonderful new device by Apple the “ipad
Trouble is I have sort of lost my momentum now; it’s an age thing I think, bit like the memory as I mentioned in my last post.

I think I will just get to the point, loosing interest at a dramatic rate now, I’m sure you are too dear reader, if you even made it this far, big congrats comin at cha if ya did blood.....

Right, ipad, yes, ummmm, I’m sure the jokes will be coming thick and fast over the coming months because of the name, not helped by Steve Jobs (co founder and CEO of Apple) describing the product as "so much more intimate than a laptop” don’t really help themselves do they lol

I do think it’s brilliant though that the people behind the sketch at the start of this post (all that time ago) had the foresight to “invent” the name ipad a full 4 years before Apple did, clearly they saw it serving a different purpose, but they still came up with the name, make good fortune teller's wouldn't they  :-)

ps, link overdose again I'm afraid...........

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Abu Hamza's hands

I was talking today, well I do, talk I mean, I guess the majority of folk do, what I mean is, I was talking to someone, I guess the majority of folk do, ok, I will drop that approach now, let me start again.....

I was talking to someone today about something, can’t remember what specifically, but the name Abu Hamza was mentioned, I had totally forgotten about that particular person.

I’m sure I have totally forgotten many other things too (it’s an age thing) and the trouble is you don’t know you have forgotten (forgetting is like that) until you are reminded by someone or something, like I was today.

Sometimes you are reminded and remember why you forgot, other times you are pleased to remember, other times still you remember, are quite unbothered by it but it poses a further question..... this particular reminiscence got me thinking, it caused me to ask why, why does he have hooks for hands, so, I set about finding out and once I had discovered this piece of (seemingly to me at the time) vitally important information I planned on sharing my new found knowledge with my loyal? Reader/s?.........

As a side note I spookily (or not) saw a rather interesting (and possibly useful) hook that was left unattended only a few hours previously. I actually think the subject of hooks will have to go on the revisit list too at some point, in fact it may as well go there now (although in all honesty it wont be revisited for a long while yet I feel) I also need to start working through my revisit list, its receiving very little attention from me and for that I apologise, I will definitely revisit something over the next week or so (but it wont be hooks, the time isn’t right lol)

So, getting back to the point in question (hook--- point---- do you see what I did there, sorry) remembering, or being reminded about something that makes you think “ooooh I forgot about that” and even worse “ ooooh I forgot about that, why did he have hooks for hands” well I’m now in a position to tell you, not tell you why you forget then remember (or are reminded about) things, no, that’s beyond the realms of a simple post such as this, the thing I can tell you, if you are at all bothered, or even still reading is why he had hooks for hands, apparently, he lost his hands while clearing mines in 1993.

No I don’t feel any different either............

Some section of this post will be revisited at some time (maybe 10 past 10) but

probably not, but at some time in the future (possibly) who knows...........

Sunday, 24 January 2010

It makes you wonder..........

I have actually posted a few times over the last few days, but then I haven’t been working for the first weekend since goodness knows how long so it’s been easier and more accessible to me, innit.

Elvis Costello (yes what about him) patience, I’m getting there, you know how it works by now if you have read previous nonsense posts

He wrote a song (Elvis I mean)......(no I don’t mean the blue suede shoes variety, I mean the Costello variety)....(I knew I would struggle to reduce my bracket usage despite what I said in my previous post).....(Hi, I’m Me and I’m a bracket addict).....(round of applause from the room “welcome to the group Me, you have taken an important first step”)

He did, he wrote a song (hundreds in fact) but the one I refer to is this one, for some reason (an obvious one I’m sure) whenever I look at the picture/location of the pub in the image (up there^^^^^) it springs to mind, you only need to imagine what it must be like leaving said pub after spending several hours drinking alcoholic beverages.

You only need to look at the gradient (I know all the technical hill terminology me) to see the difficulties that could prevail, especially if it were a blowy evening, like I said, it makes you wonder...............

By the way, I personally feel the hedge needs trimming, but I'm no topiarist so what do I know :-)

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Who you gonna call

An impromptu and very brief pictorial post (in response to comments left on the previous one)....(I really will get back to posting posts of more than just a few words).....(at some point).....(but then given most of the content minimal words is probably not so bad)....(must stop using so many brackets too).... ()()()()()()()() maybe not :-)

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Thought for the day (warning bad language)

                             Apologies for the bad language but I stumbled on this pic and it really did tickle me :-)

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Well ??????? (yes thanks)

Is it just me....... that’s actually a daft way to start a post, well not necessarily it isn’t (its ok I’m not arguing with myself in public, honest) but it’s a daft way to start this particular post.

What I mean by that is that I know it’s not just me, I have been surrounded by people that feel the same, I have witnessed examples of people (that I’m not surrounded by) doing the same, I have even heard tales on the radio (and other forms of public broadcasting) that testify to the fact......
But what is it, what is this mystery of which I speak......

Well its not the Led Zep track Dazed and Confused (although its a very good tooooon and well done to those that watched/litened to ALL 9 mins 14 secs of it, those that did, if any, should feel considerably more enriched within for doing so) no, its not that.........

Its not wrestling related either, as entertaining as Shirley Crabtree was (you can see why he changed his name really cant you, bless him lol) when I was younger and remoomber watching the wrestling on a Saturday afternoon.

No, its not that either, what is it pray tell what is it, ok ok, I’m getting there (still not arguing in public with myself, just trying to gently coerce myself into getting to the point)

Nor is it a difficult question I hasten to add, in fact it's not a question at all.

I guess it is a little dazed related, more than confused related, yes, definitely, more dazed than confused, I'm not confused about the year, just still a little dazed, although thats not strictly true either, not so much dazed as still getting used to it. It's probably the double digit change thing (09 to 10) I'm not sure, either way, I know I'm not alone (sounds like a corny tag line for a science fiction film) not alone in thinking it I mean.

Going to draw this post to an abrupt (and no doubt welcome) end now and practice writing 2010 NOT 2009 (maybe) .... (though more likely wont)....(I definitely wont in fact, I will get used to it I’m sure).......

Saturday, 9 January 2010

It's time for....... (no, not Trumpton)

This is a very short post as it’s on soon and I want to make a cuppa and settle down to watch it, getting settled for the night is important I’m sure you will agree, what am I talking about, well I mentioned it in an earlier post...... HEROES.... WOOHOO

(Still love the pic in that earlier post by the way lol)

(Will have to do Trumpton one day too now)

( I don't mean "do" Trumpton, of course)

(I mean cover in a post)

(Will have to put it on the revisit list)

(Going now)


Some section of this post will be revisited at some time (maybe 10 past 10) but

probably not, but at some time in the future (possibly) who knows...........

Thursday, 7 January 2010

More image foolery

Not tom like the usual foolery is but image, in the same way the last one post was, well it wasn’t, it was moving image foolery, but this is similar (ish) as it's all about perspective and the bigger picture.....


Snow over my bloomin house (well the whole country in fact) making it difficult for me to flippin well do anything, it seems everything comes to a standstill and mass panic sets in, nice to look at mind so mustn't grumble :-)

Big thanks to NASA for the image, cherers guys, loving your work and apologies for the pic, its not cat cruelty honest (besides I'm allergic to them)

Monday, 4 January 2010

Friday, 1 January 2010

First 2010 post

Well what else was did you think I would call it, the first post of the year I mean, well not the first post of the year as I’m sure millions have posted already but my first post of the year.

I was going to being very unoriginal and have another pic of a post as well, no particular post, just any post, but decided not to, well I thought I would put a modicum (mmmmm modicum) of effort into it, start the year as you mean to go on and all that nonsense.

So then, why post early in the day, well then it would have been one of the first of 2010 wouldn’t it (I refer my learned friend to the first paragraph) but as you can see this is far from early in the day, not late, well quite, but definitely not early, still, I’m happy with the timing.......

Descending into drivel now so will keep it short, bye........