Sunday, 28 March 2010

Dixon of Dock Daffodil

Well have you, answers on a postcard please.

I haven't personally, not a person or a dog or a tiger or a bear, or even a snake come to think of it, that's not to say I wouldn't though, surely most people would wouldn't they, would they, I don't know, I'm confused.

The only reason I put the picture up is to mark the special occasion today, its a public holiday in Libya (on a Sunday?) apparently its evacuation day, British evacuation day (as opposed to Italian evacuation day)......(that is on the 7th October) something to look forward to eh :-)

I'm going to make a cup of tea now, that's nice, I thought so yes, twas only a short post while I had the opportunity to do so, laptop les is still in the house so posting is sporadic, unlike evacuations in Libya. obviously....................................................

Friday, 26 March 2010

By any other name

I refer to the name of the author in this article (a genuine journalist and not made up) although given the content and subject matter of the story he is reporting on, you can't help but feel they could have chosen a more suitably named (or certainly a less insensitively or innapropriately named) person to cover it.

I'm not going to go into the where's and whys of the story itself or the accompanying scandal that appears to be unfolding related to it, I have witnessed the fun that can ensue when one dares to have an opinion and has the audacity to publish it on a “personal” blog.

I have been reading with great interest certain comments on a fellow bloggers blog when they posted about something and voiced an opinion, some folk clearly don't like opinions (as you can see by an anonymous comment lol), you find objectors do tend to be anonymous, strange that :-)

People that criticise via comments etc remind me very much of those that complain about TV programs. “I am utterly disgusted, I watched 2 hours of the program and not once was I entertained, it was awful and the language was appalling”.................. DONT WATCH THEN! or TURN IT OFF AND DONT LOOK IF YOU DONT LIKE IT.
Surely its common sense???????????????

Friday, 19 March 2010

Laptop Les

I'm not actually referring to that dodgy bloke that happens to know someone that knows someone that works for a company that dispose of old laptops “but its alright guvnor, its all straight up and kosher, no snide stuff here” no, I don't mean that laptop Les.

I mean laptop less, see, there was an s missing, don't you hate it when you lose an s, well, maybe not always, maybe sometimes it can be a good thing when s goes away, I'm sure you all have your own examples, I can think of one straight away.

Picture the scene, in a crowded bedroom a clutch of spotty ner do wells teenagers put the finishing touches to a song they wrote (and perform) they send said song off to an A and R man for a big record company, he subsequently gets back to them with the immortal words “that's got hit written all over it” …...... how glad were they that s had gone missing, very I imagine.

Back to the point, I am currently without laptop and having to snatch online time sporadically when it makes itself available to me, hence the infrequency of my posts (and publishing of/replies to comments)....(sorry) rest assured though, it wont be like this forever, so if you are one of the unfortunate ones that has stumbled across this blog of nonsense I'm afraid to say you will have to endure more, well you don't have to, obviously :-)

Thursday, 4 March 2010

please insert title

I was talking to someone today (not that first time I have done that, obviously, nor is it the first time I have used such words in a post, hmmmmm a pattern is emerging, it’s ok, It isn’t really, only joking)

To get to the point, head towards the sharp bit on the end, apparently, either way, it’s different to the other bit, the bit on the other side, the inaccessible side, near the market stall, does that make sense, no?


So this hereby aforementioned personable people type person mentioned how they need to be busy and get them self moving, they wanted to “liven up them self” were the words they used, I looked, smiled and thought of the above song.

It’s always nice when someone says something or an event occurs that reminds you of a song you had forgotten about, happy days indeed, well it took my mind off my Birmingham stresses, albeit briefly lol :-)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

I'm still like Ivor, but.............

                            MY POOR HEAD

Although I am still relatively happy, my poor head isn't (which contravenes the workplace happiness act (apparently) ... (didn’t know there was such an act until I read the text at the bottom the pic )

Although it’s slightly inaccurate, as I have previously mentioned, in relation to work things I’m normally happy and in relation to non work things I’m currently still like Ivor, so I am happy, I’m just fast approaching exploding head syndrome, I’m hoping I can allay it, at least for a while, I quite attached to my head, by my neck actually.

I don’t think it will explode, it just feels it due to the intensity of what its being put through and trying to learn at the moment, I should have told my boss I don’t want to go to Birmingham..... as opposed to the Elvis Costello tune I don’t want to go to Chelsea, well who would, heard they may be a philanderer roaming the pitch, still, Saturday was an enjoyable day :-)

Anyway I digress (nothing new there) .... (it’s a good tune though).... so Birmingham, hmmmmmm, nice place, hard training course, the end, well I have another presentation to prepare, I can’t sit here chatting to you can I dear reader/s