Saturday, 28 November 2009

Larry the Sandboy

Its ok, I'm not, don't panic, I'm not a bird I mean, nor do I have a French Fry (or a Stephen Fry)...(or a Dawn French).... no.......none of theses things.

I'm not particularly happy either, in saying that though neither am I unhappy, somewhere inbetween I guess.

I heard a person say yesterday when asked how they were, “I'm just normal” (I'm not going to do the whole what's normal thing, not in this post anyway) but I think his answer best sums up how I currently feel.

Anyway, without further ado I shall get on with the post, now that the customary preamble is out of the way I can, I think.........

So who is Larry the Sandboy?

Well that's what this post hopes to answer dear reader :-)

Although I think we all know it wont actually answer that question at all, it will quite possibly go off in all sorts of strange tangents, cover some other, irrelevant nonsense and at times become quite tedious, but answer a specific question, probably not no, sorry.

I don't actually think Larry the Sandboy exists, well he may, but I don't know him, that's not to say because I don't know him he doesn't exist, that's like a child covering its eyes and because it cant see you it thinks you cant see it. What I meant was I don't know him personally and this post is most certainly not about him.

This post has arrived due to something I heard yesterday.

Someone on the radio said they were as “happy as a sandboy” and I though to myself, what does that mean, why is a sandboy happy, what does he do in the sand, are there such things as sandgirls and if so are they as happy as sandboys, it opens up all sorts of questions.

Why did I have to listen to it, why did the person say it, if they hadn't said it or I hadn't heard it none of these things would be on my mind, but they did and I did so I now I have to confront them and work through it all, grrrrrrrr.

Well according to this (scroll down a bit) sand boys were actually men that were quite possibly drunk, thats not confusing then is it, and directly under the happy as a sandboy one is an even more confusing one in which a man called Larry is recognised as being happy.

Now this could well be a picture of the Larry in question, looks ecstatic doesn't he, positively overjoyed and buoyant (yes I am being sarcastic, apologies) but apparently he was an Australian boxer by the name of Larry Foley (1847-1917) but why he was particularly happy seems to be lost in the mists of time (other than the fact he lived to the ripe old age of 70 which is no mean feat in that day and age, especially for a boxer lol) but like the happy as a sandboy it doesn't really provide an answer, not one that I'm happy with anyway, I might complain actually, but then what's the point, they don't listen, even if they did would anything change, probably not no and besides if it did actually change would it be for the better.........................................................

While looking for an answer to the whys and wherefores of Larry and his sandboys (good group, you should listen to them) I also found out that you can be as happy as a clam as well, again, why a clam is or should be happy I have no idea (although apparently it has something to do with high tide and not being eaten) and I suppose not being eaten is always a good thing, well if your a clam anyway.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Lost 4 words

I don't mean I have lost four particular words, although that idea in itself poses numerous possibilities and opportunities for fun.
Just think, if at any given point in any given conversation you “lost” 4 words how would it affect said conversation?

Would the words have to be together, e.g., “good morning, how was your journey into work, do you have much on today” or should/could they be separate, e.g. “good evening, how was work today, did you get a lot done

See, the possibilities are endless.........

Then there is the option of involving others, if four of you are having a conversation do you loose a word each at some point and if so is it simultaneous or just randomly, I just don't know, its too early to say at this point, my theory is in its infancy, no, I don't mean its sucking its thumb while wearing a nappy, I'm sure there are many out there that enjoy sucking their thumb and find it comforting so I'm not having a dig, I don't even have a spade, I have a diamond, its a 7 I think, anyway, my point is the idea is still at a fledgling stage so I just don't know how it could develop.

Now I have the problem of deciding whether to revisit this topic, its tempting I must admit, ummmmm, oh I don't know, can I decide later in the week, yes you can, thank you, I will do that then, I appreciate your kindness, that's ok just let me know if you want to revisit it in your next post, ok I will, thanks again, no problem, if I am going to I will say, if I say nothing then I'm not, that's fine you do what you choose its your blog, thanks I will..................

Initially you use less letters than spelling a persons full name, I mean, initially my post was going to be around the fact I was lost for words, I fancied posting some nonsense or other but didn't know what, still not sure so I will go for now.

Friday, 20 November 2009

More Revisiting

This is a topic that came up in an earlier post LINK and is subsequently being "revisited"

Right, thats the formalities out the way, on with the post..........

OOOOOH HOW EXCITING, MY 2ND REVISITED TOPIC (yes I know I'm easily pleased lol)

Frankie the Fish
Befor I commence I should point the chimney as I have a feeling that the mortar is beginning to perish and the brickwork may be becoming slightly porous.........

I didn't mean that did I, no, you didn't, thank you for telling me, that's ok.......

What I meant was, before I commence I should point out the the image up there ^^^^^ is not an accurate likeness of Frankie nor does it resemble him in anyway, he doesn't even smoke now, actually he does, its me that doesn't, well not since the weekend, not tetchy about it though NOOOOO boys and girls not in the least GRRRRR deep breath and relax......

So, this Frank character, AKA “Frankie the Fish” it will probably come as no surprise to know he is a keen angler (never understood it myself, tried it a few times when young but never saw the appeal) Frank on the other hand its totally hooked addicted, cant get enough of it, his house is a shrine to his “conquests” (numerous pictures of a grown man holding fish in various seductive poses)...(ok I fibbed about the seductive poses lol) although to Frank and probably anyone else with a shared PASSION for all things fish related it quite possibly is seductive, whatever floats your boat does it for you I guess.

Now Frank is what you would politely call a “character”, that catch all term that is often used for people you know/know of but wouldn't necessarily want to be seen in public with/admit to knowing, yes I know that sounds harsh but I'm trying to be a realist, after all any type of expressivist meta-ethical theory which asserts that though our moral claims are projectivist we understand them in realist terms is a good thing right?

And besides, if it isn't right its still cognitively accessible utilising appropriately measured data provided by the human sense's isn't it?

Don't get me wrong, Frank is harmless (relatively) as long as you don't say anything that would suggest his “passion” is anything other than normal, healthy and acceptable anyway. If you do, you are liable to see a different side to him, he becomes very protective about it and if he happened had a ten pound Tench to hand he probably would slap you round the face with it, in itself no doubt a sport or “alternative” hobby type thing somewhere on the planet, I'm certainly not going to to attempt to find out though as I really really don't care


I should draw this post to a close now, not that I'm tetchy or grumpy (or any of the other Dwarves) but it is getting late and I have things to do before bed, making another cuppa being one of them.

DRAWER                       POST                          CLOSE                            (cya)                                   :-)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Mummy phoned the Doctor

          and the Doctor said, no more monkeys on your bed!

OK, that's not strictly true, he didn't say that at all (not this time) he said no more monkeys JUMPING on your bed actually, according to this he said bouncing on your bed, either way beds and monkeys are involved so its not all bad, I love my bed (see earlier post) and monkeys, well, they are cool, aren't they?

I didn't intend to start my first post in over 11 days like that, it just happened, I can do little about it now, so I have to push on regardless.

So this Doctor, he didn't say any of that, believe it or not I was messing about, he actually said "you need a holiday" so I took one, a post holiday, hence not posting for so long, I had a cold and that's what he told me to do so I did, after all, if the Doctor says so then it must be so, right? Bit like Simon says I guess, except my Dr isn't called Simon, nor did my mother ring him, in fact I didn't even see him, I made all that up too, what am I like eh.........

I did have a cold, that bits true, the rest, well, poetic licence I think they call it, educated folk I mean, people like me wot is from Gypsy stock call it bull***t, innit.

Not that I am, from Gypsy stock, I don't think, wouldn't matter if I were, nowt wrong with that, Frankie the Fish (another earlier post) was and he was/is a cracking guy, he would gladly crack... actually I wont expand on that, I was going to, but it can wait until I revisit the post lol, Moscow.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Flicking your thing!

I was talking with someone today and it reminded me of something I had totally forgotten, I'm sure we all have moments like that (you certainly do as you get older)...(or is that just me lol) when you hear/see/smell/taste/feel or just remember something that you had totally forgotten about, well that's what happened today while at work.

Not that I was at work, well sort of work, actually instead of explaining just see the previous post from yesterday.

I suppose before I actually get to the point and tell you (dear reader) what I'm talking about and what it is that I was reminded of/remembered earlier today (best not delay to long either or I will forget it again) I should tell you what this post is NOT about.

In this context flicking your thing is NOT about that well know (possibly) and American (probably) saying “flicking the bird” (also known as flipping the bird) for that is a rude gesture and we don't do rude gestures do we boys and girls, unlike this, gentleman???? who got into serious trouble for it link, in itself quite surprising as he looks a very charming, placid and welcoming guy........
Its not just flicking fingers (birds) that can you get into trouble with the powers that be either link, no doubt another charming man like the first, not Morissey (charming man) I mean the first man mentioned in the post.
I'm not actually referring to either of those “flickings” in this post, they aren't the one I forgot (if I ever knew or even cared about them) nor am I referring to flicking your drag (or drag flicking) … (a Hockey term apparently). Or the “flicking” used in cycling (a term to describe one rider blocking another)...(again, apparently, I'm no bloomin expert don't ask me), no, none of these things.

Other things I am not referring to are having wave looking patterns in your hair (predominantly for males of Afro-Caribbean origin) which is also “flicking” or (bringing it back to birds, well I started with the bird word) “the flicker”, which is a large North American woodpecker of the genus Colaptes, especially Cauratus, the common flicker, having a brown back, spotted breast, and white rump, how nice for it.

No, I refer to none of the above.
The flicking I am referring to is that finger action that is involved in that classic game dating back to the 1940's (and still going strong now) Subbuteo.

For those that don't know its basically a little plastic (originally, but not now) man attached to a base that you “flick” around a table top football pitch in order kick a little ball into a little goal and beat your opponent.
I could provide loads of links and info for it as there appears to be absolutely tumultuous amounts, including ones that demonstrate some VERY obsessed passionate people that clearly have far too much plenty of spare time, but I wont, I find it tedious boring and never liked it as a child, I certainly don't now I'm a grown up, adult, older.

Oooh lots of scoring through (not scoring goals), plenty of apparentlys in the post too........

The only reason I have mentioned any of this nonsense is because today when someone was trying to describe the action involved when playing subbuteo (apparently) he said “its like when you were younger playing subbuteo and you had to flick your thing” well it tickled me, I don't mean flicking my thing did, I mean his comment did, or more the way it was delivered did :-)
I have finished now, you can stop reading and move along, thanks for seeing it through to the end................

Thursday, 5 November 2009

An early morning post

I don't think I have posted before going to work in the morning before.

Mind you I'm not going to work today, so I guess this post doesn't count as a before work post.

I'm not staying in either, I am going out, just not to work.
I'm making very little sense am I, no change there then, let me try and explain, but briefly as I have work, or not, as the case may be.............
This week I will be mostly eating cabbage, that's not true (don't like cabbage) what I mean is this week I am on a training thingmebob....

So its sort of work as I'm being paid to be there and its (sort of) related to work but its also sort of different, ok, its VERY different, not sort of very different, VERY different......

As a rule I don't normally roll around on rubber mats with a group of strange people, trying to bend me into unnatural positions, but this week I am.

Oh the joy, admittedly I get the chance to bend said strange people into unnatural positions too, but that doesn't make it any more bearable, or normal.

Still, its different to work and I am getting paid so its not too bad, is it ?????????????????
Ooops, look at the time, its almost 07.50 I better go, got to get ready to go to work, or not (done that one already haven't I) I best go.........