Thursday 5 November 2009

An early morning post

I don't think I have posted before going to work in the morning before.

Mind you I'm not going to work today, so I guess this post doesn't count as a before work post.

I'm not staying in either, I am going out, just not to work.
I'm making very little sense am I, no change there then, let me try and explain, but briefly as I have work, or not, as the case may be.............
This week I will be mostly eating cabbage, that's not true (don't like cabbage) what I mean is this week I am on a training thingmebob....

So its sort of work as I'm being paid to be there and its (sort of) related to work but its also sort of different, ok, its VERY different, not sort of very different, VERY different......

As a rule I don't normally roll around on rubber mats with a group of strange people, trying to bend me into unnatural positions, but this week I am.

Oh the joy, admittedly I get the chance to bend said strange people into unnatural positions too, but that doesn't make it any more bearable, or normal.

Still, its different to work and I am getting paid so its not too bad, is it ?????????????????
Ooops, look at the time, its almost 07.50 I better go, got to get ready to go to work, or not (done that one already haven't I) I best go.........

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