Thursday 24 June 2010

Love in a pencil case........

As opposed to an elevator (like the song)

Not that this post is about the song or the group that sang it.

To be honest I’m not really too sure what this post is about, well I have an idea, I think the clue is in the title, I’m just not sure where it’s heading.

Role play, not everyone’s cup of tea is it (mmmmmmmmmmm tea) and I’m referring to the type that occurs on various training events and teaching sessions the length and breadth of the land, not the type practiced by grownups when they are feeling a bit risqué.

That’s what I was doing today and where the pencil case fits in (the former not latter) it (the stuff I was doing today)...(and tomorrow)...(and part of last week and part of next too) follows on from something I was doing earlier in the year and did (sort of) mention in a post (or two) at the time (although only randomly)

Anyway, this pencil case, I need to get to the point now, I keep distracting myself and I want to have a bath (not because of the contents of the pencil case or the events of the day, just because I’m about ready to start settling and chilling for the night)

So, this pencil case, the one with love in it, well I don’t know if it did have (of) love in it, it may have, I didn’t put any love in it (well it wasn’t mine it wouldn’t be right) but it distracted me, I’m easily distracted (I know, that’s shocked you hasn’t it) and the one in the pic is not the one in question, the one in question was in somebody’s bag and I don’t think it looked too much like that one, it may have (of) it isn’t important how it looked, its more the fact it was a pencil case.

It caught my eye while I was “in role” and caused me to have an intrusive thought which in turn led me to laugh out loud, but it’s ok, the role I was playing meant I could get away with such an action, so all’s well that ends well eh, bath time :-)

(been a bracket excess in this post, not for the first time, my apologies)

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