Wednesday 16 December 2009

The train now standing on platform 4

A midweek post that's not quite in the middle of the week.

Still, at least the title, pic and content do have a linkage type thing going on.

I think.........

Now then, should I break the post down into the linkage categories, or should I just write it and ramble aimlessly let it flow like normal, ooooh decisions decisions.....

Right, got it, I will........ break it down (not like MC Hammer) I mean break it down into linkage style categories.

Title, Pic and content.

Title: Relates to what I'm doing on Friday, getting on a train (woohoo)...(no, that's not meant to be a train noise)...(it was me sarcastically displaying excitement) in itself not a big thing, its just that given the likelihood of snow and the inability of the UK to cope with it (well parts of the UK) means that all/any given train is liable to be late or cancelled, typical the one day I want to go on one.

Pic: Double link, obviously it links to the content (snow) it also links to the title, which is the opening line of a song (The Gasman Cometh) and as you can see shows a happy gasman (in the snow lol)

Content: I told you already, are you not paying attention, snow is the content and my impending train journey, I adore the snow I really do I just hate the effect it “can” have on transport, for no apparent reason, if it were really deep etc etc then fair enough, but even when it isn't it seems to cause problems....... stopped moaning now, going to go to sleep lol

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