Sunday 24 January 2010

It makes you wonder..........

I have actually posted a few times over the last few days, but then I haven’t been working for the first weekend since goodness knows how long so it’s been easier and more accessible to me, innit.

Elvis Costello (yes what about him) patience, I’m getting there, you know how it works by now if you have read previous nonsense posts

He wrote a song (Elvis I mean)......(no I don’t mean the blue suede shoes variety, I mean the Costello variety)....(I knew I would struggle to reduce my bracket usage despite what I said in my previous post).....(Hi, I’m Me and I’m a bracket addict).....(round of applause from the room “welcome to the group Me, you have taken an important first step”)

He did, he wrote a song (hundreds in fact) but the one I refer to is this one, for some reason (an obvious one I’m sure) whenever I look at the picture/location of the pub in the image (up there^^^^^) it springs to mind, you only need to imagine what it must be like leaving said pub after spending several hours drinking alcoholic beverages.

You only need to look at the gradient (I know all the technical hill terminology me) to see the difficulties that could prevail, especially if it were a blowy evening, like I said, it makes you wonder...............

By the way, I personally feel the hedge needs trimming, but I'm no topiarist so what do I know :-)

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