Saturday 30 January 2010

Fortune Teller

And before you ask, as I know you will, I know what you are like......

The title of this particular post does not refer to the song by the same name, you know the one, do I really need to tell you, ok, this one...... Fortune Teller.

Although that link only tells you about the song itself, which according to the information supplied was written by an American gentleman called Allan, but using the name Naomi, yes, I’m confused too, but then he (she?) is doing no harm so each to their own I guess.

When I first thought of the name for the post title (that itself is linked to the clip up there, was supposed to be the basis of this post and I will explain eventually I promise) I immediately had the song running through my head, as songs do when you recall them, so I thought I should track (track, get it, sorry)  it down and share it with the populus.

The actual version that was running through my head is this one which is from one of the very very bestest albums of all time.

However, as I sought out (no seeker gags I promise) the particular version I wanted I stumbled on this one too, don’t listen, its nowhere near as good (you can if you want, I did) ... ( bet then I had never heard it or knew of its existence, bloomin good year though, 1968) Its quite telling that at the start Pete comments on how it was only the second time they had played it (the first being the previous night) you can tell that yourself when you listen to the other version that was recorded 2yrs later lol, as I said, far better :-)

Enough of all that anyway, it’s not what this post was supposed to be about, it wasn’t my intention your honour, the post was supposed to be about that wonderful new device by Apple the “ipad
Trouble is I have sort of lost my momentum now; it’s an age thing I think, bit like the memory as I mentioned in my last post.

I think I will just get to the point, loosing interest at a dramatic rate now, I’m sure you are too dear reader, if you even made it this far, big congrats comin at cha if ya did blood.....

Right, ipad, yes, ummmm, I’m sure the jokes will be coming thick and fast over the coming months because of the name, not helped by Steve Jobs (co founder and CEO of Apple) describing the product as "so much more intimate than a laptop” don’t really help themselves do they lol

I do think it’s brilliant though that the people behind the sketch at the start of this post (all that time ago) had the foresight to “invent” the name ipad a full 4 years before Apple did, clearly they saw it serving a different purpose, but they still came up with the name, make good fortune teller's wouldn't they  :-)

ps, link overdose again I'm afraid...........

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