Saturday 21 August 2010

Soppy Head!

As opposed to the stress head that my last post refereed to.

Work related things are still a tad stressful but at the moment I don't really care as I have now lost the stress head and replaced it with a soppy head.

I guess its not really a soppy head, more of a contented, happy and looking forward to the future head, not the Futureheads (love this song)...(and this is a cracking acoustic version) also love many songs by the wonderful Kate Bush who did the original, if I had to choose a favourite (and I know you are expecting me to) I would say its this one, but most if not all of her stuff is excellent, old and new. I may well have mentioned before in a previous post, memory goes as you age apparently, I think thats what I was told anyway. (just listened to the cloudbusting track as I was typing this, WOW, forgot how truly awesome it is)....(good video too, brings a tear to the eye, well does me lol, but then I did say I had a soppy head on)

Gone off track a bit haven’t I, apologies, well it has been a funny week or so, a sort of funny day too but not necessarily in a bad way, puts things into perspective though and reinforces how bright the future is (gotta wear shades) …. (couldn't resist another link, after all, I am clearly overdoing it with them)

Probably rambled enough now, but then its never stopped me before, well it has, but it wont now, think I have a bit more rambling left in me for today.
Isn't nature a marvellous thing, in many many ways, but I refer to the pic at the start of the post, anything that can produce something so wonderfully beautiful (as in nature) surely qualifies as a marvellous thing. The pic itself is of Tupai and I found it (I don't mean I discovered it, that was James Cook in 1769 (well he was the first European anyway) although I do wish I had found it, long overdue a holiday and what a wonderful place to go while on one (a holiday) going by its appearance I would think it would be an ideal honeymoon venue too (although I shouldn't imagine its habitable by the look of it, who knows, let me know if you find out, thanks)

As I was saying, I found it (although I didn't, obviously) embedded in this article published in Feb, it contains lots of other lovely heart shaped places too, like I said, its a marvellous thing nature, and love, well heart shaped things in general really, especially if you have a soppy head on :-)

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