Saturday, 18 December 2010

I have forgotten how to do it....

It's been so long since my last post I have forgotten what you I have to do, mind you, to be fair, I don't think I ever knew, as the pic suggests writing nonsense is fine, I always mange to do that quite adequately (note the understatement) but writing a blog post, I don't know, where does one start.

I guess I should strart by explaining why its been sooooooo long since I posted, ummmm, well, its like this, “stuff” has been happening and more “stuff" is ongoing and other “stuff” is just there in the ether, floating about, waiting to happen, so yes, I have been busy. Why else, let me think..... the weather, that’s it, the weather has made it difficult for me to post anything, oh and the student protests, they have made it difficult too and the kettling, I do love a cuppa so anything kettle related is bound to confuse me, then there is the “wiki leaks” stuff, or is it leeks, where an angry Welshman snitches via a website on his friends for the way they grow/things they do with their national vegetable (its symbolic you know) see, lots has prevented me from posting.

That is all immaterial now though as I am posting, not sure how many posting days before Christmas, not that it matters as nothing will get delivered (apparently) but this post will definitely be posted before the 25th, probably within half hour or so actually, once I have finished rambling (no, not walking, in this weather, with no kettle and students revolting everywhere, plus the leaks/leeks to worry about, I'm not going out, no no no)

Well I will tomorrow, I have to, its a work thing, going to be ridiculously hectic tomorrow too, predominantly as its the last day people can flock to buildings and part with cash to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, or should I say, to buy crap they don’t need (nor does the recipient of said crap) because its “that” time of year. So as a result the roads and all journeys made on them will be hideous, especially as there is some white stuff on the ground and the whole area grinds to a halt.

Anyway, on a more positive note, the price of everything has gone up while my wages have been frozen, oops, I said positive didn’t I, silly me.

Believe it or not, the Earth isn't flat, it really isn't, you can sail all the way round it, you don’t just get to the edge of the horizon and fall off, into some strange netherworld, I sidetracked myself than, ooooh a feather just flew up my nose, well it didn’t fly, it wasn’t attached to a bird, it more drifted than flew, got a tickly nose now, sidetracked again, what I was trying to say is, believe it or not I am in a REALLY good mood, I know it seems like I am in a grouchy grumpy moany mood as all I have done is moan, but I'm a happy bunny, which is nice.

Afore I go (to the strange netherworld at the edge of the horizon) or more likely to put the kettle on (for tea, not controlling angry students) I should place a link in this here post, I am sure (but really can't be mithered to check) … (bit of homework for the dear reader if boredom sets in maybe) I have posted it and mentioned it before, funnily enough it was probably around this time last year, give or take a week or so, more take than give, as give would be after Christmas so its less likely.

What, what is it, its a link, didn't I say, but where, where is it, its there, beneath this line of words


Ok, what, what is it, well, its only my most favouritest Christmas song ever, EVER EVER

Off now, not like bad food, just like going, innit bruv..................

PS Fingers crossed for a nice looking table on Monday :-)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


It should go without saying really, but in case you are unsure of what can happen if you do, read about the Bulgarian gypsy that did................

See, drugs not good!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Sheikh, shake... Steak, stake... Brake, break he did so he looked nervously around the room, were they there for the same reason as him, did they know what he was after, what he had devoted the past 7 years of his life to finding, it didn’t matter, not now, not now he was this close.

His mind wandered briefly, he pondered the enormity of the task ahead, as he did so the auctioneers gavel fell, the crack echoed around the Edwardian room.......                    
                                      I LIKE WORDS ME

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Thers's an App for that!

Apull has just released a new iPhone app that will tell its user if and when they should kill themselves.
Using patented technology, the app runs an algorithm that incorporates an array of biometric, financial and personal data derived from the user to determine when, why and how they should kill themselves.

"I think this could be a revolutionary new product. By taking the guesswork out of whether someone should commit suicide, thousands of valuable lives may be saved, while thousands more who really should do it might actually rid the world of themselves," remarked Apull spokesman Bertie McSpadden.

According to McSpadden, the app is capable of detecting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, monitors its user's financial status in real time, analyzes the content of their outgoing text messages, and evaluates their photo and music files to determine the tenability of their continued existence.

"Simply being inarticulate, unattractive, or poor is unlikely to issue a suicide prompt, regardless of how uneducated, repulsive or insolvent you are," McSpadden explained, "Any combination of those three, depending on the degree, might however trigger the app."

Other factors that would contribute to a suicide prompt include prolonged attention paid to football news sites for an underperforming club, listening to Morrissey albums, taking photos of mundane household objects or unattractive family members and spending all damn day using your f@cking phone, said McSpadden.

The new suicide app also features satellite navigation designed to assist its user by providing directions to nearby bridges, tall buildings and railroad tracks.

Of course the above is untrue and not something that has been suggested by either Apull or any other similarly named company, it is purely meant to illustrate how everyone loves a gadget on their phone and can become hopelessly addicted to using them, in a tongue in cheek way.

 I should also add that suicide is not an advisable course of action for anyone!

 I shouldn't have to make either comment as its common sense but thought it best to :-)

Friday, 10 September 2010

It's a bit late

To wish anyone a happy Christmas (2009) or even a happy Easter (2010) thankfully that isn't what I meant, I mean its a bit late (at night) to be posting, not for those that are night owls, party goers, shift workers (been there done that) or insomniacs granted. But for one's that love their bed as much as me (mmmm bed) then it is.

I am sure I have mentioned in previous post/s how much I love my bed, I'm sure I have, have I, I don’t know, I'm too tired too tell, I would look and provide a convenient link, but its too late, beds are good though, blimey are they, I truly love mine :-)

Got the whole weekend off too, which is nice, more bed time :-)

So why am I posting so late, if I knew I would say, should be tucked up in bed really (mmmm bed) but I needed to be up till just after 11 anyway for a particular reason and I also needed to have the laptop on (for the same reason) so I thought why not write some nonsense, it will be a rarity I can assure you (late night posts, not nonsense, obviously), ooh its gone 11 I can go do what I had to, then I can get under my quilt and get cosy, WOO HOO :-)

(p.s. my bear looks nothing like that lol)

Sunday, 5 September 2010


Lots of “whys” actually………….

I was going to comment on many aspects of that disturbing clip, but it would take too long, far too long :-(

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

That will learn him!

Now I'm not one to be troubled by things with 8 legs, granted if I saw that cat approaching it would freak me out greatly but I'm guessing its a photo shop job and not a real cat.... is it? (joking)

But I know people are troubled by them, 8 legged things, spiders in particular, as opposed to octopi, squids and related arachnids, I know one person that really really is and funnily enough I was talking today, with said person and someone else and the two of them were comparing ways of getting rid of spiders.

They both said they use hair spray, deodorant and various other aerosols on them, we all chuckled about how the spiders look nice and smell lovely afterwards, all seemed quite harmless, not for the poor spider obviously, but surely no harm can come to a human from doing such a thing.....


Sunday, 29 August 2010

?? ??

I was pondering on whether to write anything or just leave the post in purely visual form, I decided not to, write anything, you will have to decipher it yourself!

(ok so I did write something, derrrrrrr)

(but I have given no explanation, nor shall I, maybe in a future post, but not in this one)

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Soppy Head!

As opposed to the stress head that my last post refereed to.

Work related things are still a tad stressful but at the moment I don't really care as I have now lost the stress head and replaced it with a soppy head.

I guess its not really a soppy head, more of a contented, happy and looking forward to the future head, not the Futureheads (love this song)...(and this is a cracking acoustic version) also love many songs by the wonderful Kate Bush who did the original, if I had to choose a favourite (and I know you are expecting me to) I would say its this one, but most if not all of her stuff is excellent, old and new. I may well have mentioned before in a previous post, memory goes as you age apparently, I think thats what I was told anyway. (just listened to the cloudbusting track as I was typing this, WOW, forgot how truly awesome it is)....(good video too, brings a tear to the eye, well does me lol, but then I did say I had a soppy head on)

Gone off track a bit haven’t I, apologies, well it has been a funny week or so, a sort of funny day too but not necessarily in a bad way, puts things into perspective though and reinforces how bright the future is (gotta wear shades) …. (couldn't resist another link, after all, I am clearly overdoing it with them)

Probably rambled enough now, but then its never stopped me before, well it has, but it wont now, think I have a bit more rambling left in me for today.
Isn't nature a marvellous thing, in many many ways, but I refer to the pic at the start of the post, anything that can produce something so wonderfully beautiful (as in nature) surely qualifies as a marvellous thing. The pic itself is of Tupai and I found it (I don't mean I discovered it, that was James Cook in 1769 (well he was the first European anyway) although I do wish I had found it, long overdue a holiday and what a wonderful place to go while on one (a holiday) going by its appearance I would think it would be an ideal honeymoon venue too (although I shouldn't imagine its habitable by the look of it, who knows, let me know if you find out, thanks)

As I was saying, I found it (although I didn't, obviously) embedded in this article published in Feb, it contains lots of other lovely heart shaped places too, like I said, its a marvellous thing nature, and love, well heart shaped things in general really, especially if you have a soppy head on :-)

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Stress Head!

I'm not normally a stress head, I know someone who is, he can be very much mr stress head, its become something of a standing joke actually, although in saying that he has got better as he has got older, I guess we all (most of us) mellow with age, as opposed to wrinkle with age, which is something we definitely all do (botox/surgery lovers excluded) but I'm not here to talk about him, it wouldn't be fair, OK, maybe another day.....

So why am I a tad, wee, tiny bit of a stress head, well, its like this.....

It's ok don't panic, I'm not going to bore you with it, it's all work related anyway and as much as I love my work (as mentioned before) it can, just sometimes, get a bit too stressful (as most if not all work can at times I know) and today (and the last few days) is (has been) one of those times for me, but just knocking this quick post up has helped already, as did speaking to a good friend earlier, all I need to do now is have a lovely bath, plenty of tea, interspersed randomly with chocolate and I will be back on an even keel again :-)

Thanks for listening :-)

Friday, 13 August 2010

Fancy That!

Two posts, in two days, granted, neither are about flowers or chocolate (or fence posts) although I do ADORE chocolate (and know someone that feels the same about flowers) but it's still two posts in two days.

The purpose of the post, well, I just wanted to share a link..............


Rather quick work by Super Mario, given it was only officially announced a few hours ago, clever graphics at the start too, could be an interesting 9 or 10 months :-)

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Chuckle Time (not chucklevision)

So, I was laying there, in the bath, I do like a bath, that’s a lie, I do LOVE a bath, shower in the morning, bath at night, got to have a system, when the above song blasted out on Planet Rock (one of the best DAB stations I might add, although many are good)...(sure I have mentioned it before in a previous post) and I had a little chuckle to myself a little chuckle about the song, well its title and chorus line, but that’s another story.....

That was a rather large paragraph wasn't it, I will try to keep this one shorter, but by adding that bit I have already wasted words I didn't need. Anyway, there I was, laying amongst the bubbles, listening to the above track (while chuckling for certain reasons) and I thought to myself, they really weren't so bad were they, Queen, the first album I bought when a wee me was Queen Live Killers and upon said album was probably one of my favourite live tracks (this is part 2 of said track, yes its long but so worth listening to it all), although in saying that and as daft as it sounds, when I was younger I didn’t really rate them as much as I do now, the fickleness of yoof.

Two long paragraphs, this will be shorter I assure you as I have nothing more to say for now, goodly byedly :-)

Sunday, 8 August 2010

I feel let down

I really do, it’s terrible, well maybe that’s a slight over exaggeration, ok, a major exaggeration, but it is annoying.

I should explain realy shouldn’t I.

As anyone that has read previous posts will know I sometimes put a link into the post to a song on You Tube (you tube) and that’s what I planned to do with this post, a song about a monkey with its tail, that’s actually the name of the song, monkey with your tail.

So I trundled off to You Tube (you tube) to find said song and I couldn’t, found the lyrics (if you are interested) and also a small snippet of said song on a different site but couldn’t actually find the song, as I said, I feel let down.

On a side note, well sort of, its still monkey related (bless the little monkeys) I wanted a pic to accompany the post of a sad monkey (it sort of made sense really) and the one I found ^^^^^ up there^^^^^ was one of the first, as much as it’s a good colour top (anything that shade of blue is good) I will state categorically that I do not condone the dressing of monkeys in clothing, or the placing of them in play pens, if it were cold maybe a jumper would be ok (as long as its blue) but it clearly isn’t cold as the monkey is indoors, I’m joking, a jumper wouldn’t be fine at all, monkeys are not little humans, although a program I watched last year  would suggest that some (American) people believe they are, very strange program, very strange people…….

Before I go (and I will shortly) I did manage to find this song by the same group that does mention a chimpanzee in it, not the song I wanted but on a Sunday a compromise has to be reached around such matters I think :-)

Friday, 30 July 2010

Momentous Moment (maybe not)

Firstly I would like to draw your attention to to the triple m's in the title post, it would have been 4 (thus making it all m's) but I could not think if a word similar to not that starts with the letter m, right, that’s that bit out the way.

Nextly I would like to mention the image, I was trying to find something with “arrived” in the image and google images have changed their search result thingmybob (think it will take some getting used to technophobe that I am) and the best I could find in my rushed state was that one.

I am neither a new born (nor have one) nor do I currently use a pacifier suck a dummy, going off topic, that is such an awful term, a pacifier, sends a shiver down the spine, I did used to suck my thumb when a small me but didn't have a pacifier dummy (I think, will have to check with good old mum)...(bless mums, aren’t they lovely)....(going off topic again sorry)

So you are stuck with the image, can I get to the point of the post now, thank you.

I have been spouting drivel, nonsense and random mutterings for nearly 11 months now and in all of my 76 posts I have yet to receive a, ummm, not sure what to call it, a spam comment?

I don’t mean someone talking about chopped pork and ham (believe it or not spam actually has its own official website and fan club, ho hum I digress, again) I mean someone posting a comment that’s sole purpose is to advertise another site/thing.

Well, that’s all changed now, I recently had a visitor from Mumbai (not to my house to the blog) who left such a comment (hence I've arrived), I was going to publish it for humour value but I adamantly (2 drummers) refuse to encourage the buggers, spammers, not people from Mumbai so I didn’t!

That is all :-)

Monday, 12 July 2010

Your heart goes out to them

I guess one of the things that separates us (humans) from animals (except the empathy bear, obviously) is the ability to recognises another’s plight, turmoil, hardship and misfortune, then act accordingly.......


The poor mites, you have to feel for them, I feel for them, it must be an awful way to have to live...............

Friday, 9 July 2010

He did well to last so long

I am not even going to begin to try and fathom what the product is that the accompanying pic advertises, I guess at this time year when the temperature rises and it gets bloody hot such a product could be of use, thankfully though I have never been one for hats, chavvy baseball caps, or any headwear at all, the odd helmet now and again but that’s a different story for another day.

As I said I’m sure if covering your head is your chosen desire then it’s the perfect product, after all it controls sweat, stains and odor (surely they mean odour) what a wonderful image that conjures?

So after spending nearly a century of words on the topic I wasn’t going to talk about I will move on to the point of the post, I only found the pic by chance as I was looking for something headline related in google images and that’s what popped up, why did I want something headline related, well, let me tell you.

A while ago I posted about an article that had a rather unfortunately named author, this time I’m posting about an article that has a rather unfortunate headline, the author’s name is fine, if not a little, well...... moving on.

The article I refer to is this one I’m quite sure Gene Genie Cherry must have know what they were doing when they wrote such a headline for the piece, although in saying that the Cherry one probably had nothing to do with the headline, someone else no doubt sat in their office sniggering away at their handiwork while the Genester was none the wiser until the following day when it was published, oh how they all chuckled.............

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I feel.............

I absolutely adore this site, I only stumbled upon it because someone visited my blog as a result of being directed here by one my own “feelings” that ended up floating around in the interweb ether. As a result I visited the referring source and was hooked.

This link explains more about the site but I would suggest (although obviously do what you want) just having a look and a little play around, it’s quite voyeuristic in a way, but in a very soft fluffy harmless way, also rather addictive. Once you have had a good read (or not) just go here and start exploring.

I’m sure many of you know of the site already (I’m always the last to catch on or find out lol) but for those that don’t I hope you enjoy it, whichever of the movements you immerse yourself in :-)

Monday, 28 June 2010

Do my eyes deceive me?

                                                       Another non football post I'm afraid, I do love an optical illusion :-)

Sunday, 27 June 2010

"jumpers for goalposts"

I have been vehemently avoiding any football related posts over the past few weeks and will continue to do so.

Bingo, you know, the game with the balls and the cards and the numbers, yes, bingo.

Seven o blind 70, is the sort of thing they say, is it seven o or seven 0, should be nought really but that’s mixing numbers and letters and you know what they say about not mixing your, oh no, that’s drinks isn’t it.

Anyway, this is the 70th post (who would have thought it) and is not football related in anyway :-)

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Love in a pencil case........

As opposed to an elevator (like the song)

Not that this post is about the song or the group that sang it.

To be honest I’m not really too sure what this post is about, well I have an idea, I think the clue is in the title, I’m just not sure where it’s heading.

Role play, not everyone’s cup of tea is it (mmmmmmmmmmm tea) and I’m referring to the type that occurs on various training events and teaching sessions the length and breadth of the land, not the type practiced by grownups when they are feeling a bit risqué.

That’s what I was doing today and where the pencil case fits in (the former not latter) it (the stuff I was doing today)...(and tomorrow)...(and part of last week and part of next too) follows on from something I was doing earlier in the year and did (sort of) mention in a post (or two) at the time (although only randomly)

Anyway, this pencil case, I need to get to the point now, I keep distracting myself and I want to have a bath (not because of the contents of the pencil case or the events of the day, just because I’m about ready to start settling and chilling for the night)

So, this pencil case, the one with love in it, well I don’t know if it did have (of) love in it, it may have, I didn’t put any love in it (well it wasn’t mine it wouldn’t be right) but it distracted me, I’m easily distracted (I know, that’s shocked you hasn’t it) and the one in the pic is not the one in question, the one in question was in somebody’s bag and I don’t think it looked too much like that one, it may have (of) it isn’t important how it looked, its more the fact it was a pencil case.

It caught my eye while I was “in role” and caused me to have an intrusive thought which in turn led me to laugh out loud, but it’s ok, the role I was playing meant I could get away with such an action, so all’s well that ends well eh, bath time :-)

(been a bracket excess in this post, not for the first time, my apologies)

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Now I get it

It makes sense; it was another trilogy wasn’t it, now I get it, although at least the thing in the last pic has a mouth, a particular viscous one granted (some mouths can be) but at least it’s there......

And the complaint, it was a complaint about having no eyes or ears or nose etc wasn’t it, quite right too, he (she? Hard to tell, lacking in not only facial features) has every right to complain, I would be if I were in such a situation, although the mitten hands must be cosy in the winter, oh no they aren’t mittens are they, just fingerless, poor fella (laydeee) innit tho...............

Right I’m off to sell lucky heather, laterz bruv...............

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

I don't understand

I‘m sorry but I don’t, if I did understand I would openly say I understand, but I don’t understand so I can’t say that, what is it I don’t understand, well, I don’t understand that last post, the one that had a pic of a man with no face or fingers making a complaint, what’s that all about................

Sunday, 6 June 2010

I would like to make a complaint!

Thank you for listening.......................................................

Sunday, 23 May 2010

there's something about.....

                 Bert (again) you still thought I was going to say Mary didn't you, you really must keep up

I have never compiled as trilogy of posts, over 3 (obviously, it’s a trilogy) consecutive days, all with the same theme, well I hadn’t until now.

I hereby declare the final chapter (ok a bit of a poor description) of posts commencing and very shortly finishing, I may well not post again for eons (not the power supply company)...(I certainly won’t be posting for them) equally I may post again tomorrow, we just can’t tell at this stage.

Like yesterdays post, today’s starts with a pic of the person in question, Bert (I told you yesterday they sometimes have male names) he is the other (older) part of the swap that this “trilogy of posts has been about.

What can I say about Bert, well today not much, grrrrrrrr, he has been naughty today, its ok, he hasn’t really, it’s not his fault, he is old.

When I picked him up last week he drove back from his previous home faultlessly (nearly 300 miles) as he has done since then, going to work on the odd occasion, pootling (yes it is a word in my world) around and generally making his presence now, until today.

I was planning to post about him today anyway, I had to, he is the final part of the trilogy, I just didn’t think I would be dissing him innit, not that I am, as I said it’s not his fault he old, today he planned to have a new set of wheels fitted (next weekend is a new exhaust and some other work done, alas today the wheels didn’t get fitted, he had poorly brakes and it was all I could do to get him (and me)....(and my daughter) home safely.

After getting all dirty and finding out what was wrong it transpired to be nothing big (aside from having very limited brakes which is of course quite a big thing) what I mean is it is nothing big to fix, if you have the bit you need, not always the case on a Sunday, so he will sit on the drive until next weekend when I can begin his transformation in earnest (on the subject of Ernest, he was another car, I think, he was something vehicular anyway)

So that is the story of Linda, Bert and the swap shop that bought them together though ultimately separated them, they spent a brief time together in North Wales though, it was a touching moment, it’s ok, I’m going now but there will be more about Bert, possibly much more, after all I need to paint him in a better light, have done him no favours with this post, thankfully he doesn’t have internet access so I can hopefully post a more positive (not that it’s been too negative) post in the near future, before he gets his internet connection sorted out ................

Saturday, 22 May 2010

there's something about.....

.......Linda, you thought I was going to say Mary again didn't you :-)

So did you watch it, Breakfast with Jon Kay and Susanna Reid, BBC1 at 09.30, oh do keep up lol, its ok I didn’t either, that was never the point anyway, I explained that in yesterdays post

Been a lovely day hasn’t it, perfect for spending time doing something really wonderful and most enjoying, with the knowledge that many more (a plethora in fact) similar days and fun times will be had in the future, what do you mean I’m waffling and should get to the point, ok, fair comment, I was just teasing and delaying the info about her, Linda...........

So, Linda, who, what, why etc etc, well, all will be revealed in this post, not saying it will make sense, but just like an eager flasher in a park full of tourists, all will be revealed, apologies, a rather poor analogy.

Well, Linda is the object in the pic at the start of the post, she is the old thing that formed part of the swap (though not the even older thing that formed the other part) I have had a love of Lambretta’s and Vespa’s since I was a wee monkey (young) and choosing to part with one was not an easy decision, thankfully she was one of a few and alas didn’t get much use, certainly not as much as she should, so the decision was made to let her go........

Suppose I should explain why Linda before I finish the post shouldn’t I, well she is green, as in Linda Green and at the time I acquired her and started restoring her the television program of the same name was about, hence the name and no, I don’t know why mechanical things (cars, bikes, scooters etc) tend to be called she, they don’t all, I have had some that have been male, predominantly female though, I think I should go now, goodbye.

Friday, 21 May 2010

there's something about.....

.......Bert, you thought I was going to say Mary didn't you :-)

I should start by saying that I’m not suggesting you watch BBC1 at 09.30 tomorrow (no idea what’s on then anyway) I’m equally not saying you shouldn’t, it’s your choice, you watch what you want when you want on whatever channel, it’s not my place to decide that for you or even attempt to influence it.

The reason for the image is not the BBC1 at 09.30 bit, it’s the swap shop bit, I’m not referring to the program of the same name either (although the image relates to that) I’m referring to the act of swapping things.

Not done it before, well maybe small things when younger and of school age, action man equipment, toy cars etc etc, but nothing big and not as an adult, until last week that is.

I have a few passions in my life, well several actually, but said swap involved two of them, I swapped my children for chocolate, I’m joking, I didn’t really (though they are two of my several passions in life, my children and chocolate I mean) no I swapped old things, one old thing for another, even older thing, but the even older thing had 4 wheels and the less older thing only had 2 so it’s not all bad.

It’s not all bad at all actually, I’m actually rather chuffed, very chuffed and happy in fact :-)

A rather mysterious post thus far, apologies (or not) for that, alas it will remain mysterious for now because I’m not going into more detail about its content this time, maybe next time, so for now the Bert relevance (and the Linda relevance, who until now hadn’t been mentioned) remains a mystery to all but a few..........

Sunday, 9 May 2010

If the hat fits......

I did promise that my next post would be an explanation of the “hat” comments left on another blog, so it will be.....
Not the next post, this post.

Many moons ago I spent a week in Birmingham (near to Cadbury World, mmmmmmmmmm) on a training course and during said course we (about 26 ish of us) were put into small groups (of 4 or 5) and all given hats.

The scenario was that we were a team and had been invited to an award ceremony but only had 2 tickets, between us we had to decide who were the best people to go, who would like to go, who wouldn’t etc.

On the hats (the person didn’t see what was on their own) was a little bit about them personality wise, e.g. “I’m a natural leader and good organiser” --- “I’m quite shy and don’t like social events so don’t want to go”—I’m a real party type and love such occasions so definitely want to attend” – “I’m sensible and organised but not worried if I go or not” etc etc (there was more info re personality and temperament etc but I can’t remember as I have slept since then)

Initially it is all quite a jolly wheeze (not sure how that saying crept in) but as it went on it became quite unusual, almost disconcerting, especially if your “hat” doesn’t match your own personality (which invariably it didn’t) as you find yourself starting to act and react differently, as people see and treat you differently, all very confusing.

It becomes a real internal conflict as you are forced to change the way you are to fit in with the way you are treated, you then start to think, what if this is how I am anyway and how others see me, maybe I have been wrong all this time, why do I act the way I do, think the way I think, is it because its inherently me or is it a reaction to those around me...... very deep lol.

That’s that covered, well hats do that don't they, cover.......

On a separate (though slightly linked) topic, I was talking to someone the other day about a story I wrote many years ago, only a short one and very much based on a song by one of my favourite bands, I have linked to the song here and to the lyrics here, for those that are mildly curious. Basically it’s about a guy that changes his appearance to fit his personality, or does his personality change to fit his appearance, as I said, slightly similar to the hat scenario.

I’m going now, not sure whether to change my hat or my face, or both, or neither, on second thoughts I will leave it as it is, I actually really like me :-)

Monday, 3 May 2010

I am afraid to say that........................

Not that I have been underground I hasten to add, well I have, on tours of mines etc but not often, nor regularly and I certainly haven’t been underground like the person thing in the picture, besides I don’t have a hand that looks poorly, I know someone with a claw hand.

I don’t mean as in the style I posted about many moons ago, I jumped topic there didn’t I, I don’t really know someone with a claw hand, I said it for effect, best jump topic again.


It’s nice to be back in the world of the tinterweb, not sporadically, I mean full time, doesn’t mean I will post more, doesn’t mean they will be at all interesting, but at least the potential and opportunity is there now, wooohoooo.

I’m going to go now, things to see, stuff to do, things to catch up with, things, things, things..... it's lovely to be back, apologies for those that read or look at the blog though, it means a return to nonsense and drivel to gaze upon..... hey ho, there is always the off switch..................................


p.s. I said my next post would be about something else on another blog but this was a welcome back "me" post, the next one will be the one planned previously, confused, same here

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sporadically Littered

Firstly I must quickly say that the picture accompanying this post is a little creepy, I probably should have said before anyone saw it, oh well, never mind :-)
I guess some may not find it that way at all, but I think there is something about it that a little unnerving, could be the boy's large eye, could be many things in fact, I was looking for a pic related to frustration and came across it, as soon as I saw it I thought, yep, that's the one............

So why frustration, well I am STILL without laptop (as previously mentioned) hence the title of the post, because for now (and bloomin ages prior to now) my posts (and any internet activity) is very much sporadically littered.

Unlike all that imaginary ash in the sky that has bought the UK to a standstill, I say imaginary, obviously its not, its just that I have seen nothing of it at all in the air (yes I know I'm not hundreds of feet in the sky) but apparently some have reported it much lower, nor have I on the ground, so to me its imaginary, if it cant see it, it doesn't exist, the world is flat and if I cover my eyes and cant see you it means you cant see me, simples.

Before I vanish (cant be on here long as the people that look after me here and keep me safe don't like me touching the buttons too much, apparently it might cause me to get electrickery in my body and it isn't mine to touch) I want to share a link with you, a link to a BBC article, a link to a BBC article that made me laugh, I laugh a lot now, when I can I share it, when I can use the magical box in the corner and get on the interweb...............................

Freshly ground what

Thats naughty, I'm telling................

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Sometimes, just sometimes.........

Recently its been a bit more than sometimes actually, it is good, when things seem positive and start to fall into place and its only half time, plus its Easter so mega amounts of chocolate around, I could be speaking too soon and tempting fate...... no, even if it finished 6-5 life would still be good :-)

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Dixon of Dock Daffodil

Well have you, answers on a postcard please.

I haven't personally, not a person or a dog or a tiger or a bear, or even a snake come to think of it, that's not to say I wouldn't though, surely most people would wouldn't they, would they, I don't know, I'm confused.

The only reason I put the picture up is to mark the special occasion today, its a public holiday in Libya (on a Sunday?) apparently its evacuation day, British evacuation day (as opposed to Italian evacuation day)......(that is on the 7th October) something to look forward to eh :-)

I'm going to make a cup of tea now, that's nice, I thought so yes, twas only a short post while I had the opportunity to do so, laptop les is still in the house so posting is sporadic, unlike evacuations in Libya. obviously....................................................

Friday, 26 March 2010

By any other name

I refer to the name of the author in this article (a genuine journalist and not made up) although given the content and subject matter of the story he is reporting on, you can't help but feel they could have chosen a more suitably named (or certainly a less insensitively or innapropriately named) person to cover it.

I'm not going to go into the where's and whys of the story itself or the accompanying scandal that appears to be unfolding related to it, I have witnessed the fun that can ensue when one dares to have an opinion and has the audacity to publish it on a “personal” blog.

I have been reading with great interest certain comments on a fellow bloggers blog when they posted about something and voiced an opinion, some folk clearly don't like opinions (as you can see by an anonymous comment lol), you find objectors do tend to be anonymous, strange that :-)

People that criticise via comments etc remind me very much of those that complain about TV programs. “I am utterly disgusted, I watched 2 hours of the program and not once was I entertained, it was awful and the language was appalling”.................. DONT WATCH THEN! or TURN IT OFF AND DONT LOOK IF YOU DONT LIKE IT.
Surely its common sense???????????????

Friday, 19 March 2010

Laptop Les

I'm not actually referring to that dodgy bloke that happens to know someone that knows someone that works for a company that dispose of old laptops “but its alright guvnor, its all straight up and kosher, no snide stuff here” no, I don't mean that laptop Les.

I mean laptop less, see, there was an s missing, don't you hate it when you lose an s, well, maybe not always, maybe sometimes it can be a good thing when s goes away, I'm sure you all have your own examples, I can think of one straight away.

Picture the scene, in a crowded bedroom a clutch of spotty ner do wells teenagers put the finishing touches to a song they wrote (and perform) they send said song off to an A and R man for a big record company, he subsequently gets back to them with the immortal words “that's got hit written all over it” …...... how glad were they that s had gone missing, very I imagine.

Back to the point, I am currently without laptop and having to snatch online time sporadically when it makes itself available to me, hence the infrequency of my posts (and publishing of/replies to comments)....(sorry) rest assured though, it wont be like this forever, so if you are one of the unfortunate ones that has stumbled across this blog of nonsense I'm afraid to say you will have to endure more, well you don't have to, obviously :-)

Thursday, 4 March 2010

please insert title

I was talking to someone today (not that first time I have done that, obviously, nor is it the first time I have used such words in a post, hmmmmm a pattern is emerging, it’s ok, It isn’t really, only joking)

To get to the point, head towards the sharp bit on the end, apparently, either way, it’s different to the other bit, the bit on the other side, the inaccessible side, near the market stall, does that make sense, no?


So this hereby aforementioned personable people type person mentioned how they need to be busy and get them self moving, they wanted to “liven up them self” were the words they used, I looked, smiled and thought of the above song.

It’s always nice when someone says something or an event occurs that reminds you of a song you had forgotten about, happy days indeed, well it took my mind off my Birmingham stresses, albeit briefly lol :-)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

I'm still like Ivor, but.............

                            MY POOR HEAD

Although I am still relatively happy, my poor head isn't (which contravenes the workplace happiness act (apparently) ... (didn’t know there was such an act until I read the text at the bottom the pic )

Although it’s slightly inaccurate, as I have previously mentioned, in relation to work things I’m normally happy and in relation to non work things I’m currently still like Ivor, so I am happy, I’m just fast approaching exploding head syndrome, I’m hoping I can allay it, at least for a while, I quite attached to my head, by my neck actually.

I don’t think it will explode, it just feels it due to the intensity of what its being put through and trying to learn at the moment, I should have told my boss I don’t want to go to Birmingham..... as opposed to the Elvis Costello tune I don’t want to go to Chelsea, well who would, heard they may be a philanderer roaming the pitch, still, Saturday was an enjoyable day :-)

Anyway I digress (nothing new there) .... (it’s a good tune though).... so Birmingham, hmmmmmm, nice place, hard training course, the end, well I have another presentation to prepare, I can’t sit here chatting to you can I dear reader/s

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Thursday, 25 February 2010

One potato, Two potato, Three potato, Four..........

Five potato, Six Potato............ Im sure you get the gist by now :-)

I have been writing nonsense and spraying these pages with it for several months now and I thought it was about time I posted a sensible piece, something informative, educational, mature and responsible and as a result this post will focus on the Irish potato famine or to give it its correct title the “Great Famine

As the post develops it will cover not only the causes of the famine (e.g. potato blight) and the subsequent effect this had on the economy and people of Ireland but I will also look at potato dependency in general and ultimately the role the "humble spud" played within the population at the time.

I should point out before I start that the Great Famine of Ireland, although resulting from the humble potato should not be confused with the “Potato War” which was something entirely different.

I think it will allow a more accurate picture of events leading up to the famine to unfold if I...........

Sorry, I have bored myself now.......

Least I’m honest......

That’s not to suggest that either subject is boring (particularly the former) I just don’t think this is the correct forum to explore them, so I won’t.

So, is it a magical city, Birmingham I mean, is Paul Daniels the patron Saint, does Debbie McGhee hold a seat on the local council, well I doubt it no, certainly not in the Birmingham pictured ^^^ up there, it’s in Alabama, (oooooooooooohh excellent, I can make a tenuous link to a classic song) not Sweet Home Alabama ( how incredibly good was the Old Grey Whistle Test), just Alabama.

Why is there a picture of Birmingham Alabama at the start of the post and what does it have to do with Debbi McGhee, well I’m going there, not the Alabama one alas (yet) but the UK one (well its only a few hours away and I can’t think of a better place to go for the week)....(ok I can but I can’t)...(go there I mean, I HAVE to be in the UK one) still it’s not all bad, the place I’m staying at is right near Cadbury World, mmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate :-)

The Debbie McGhee bit, no idea, its lost me totally, I’m going to go and have some toast under beans now, well its better than tickling otters with a stuffed marmoset surely.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Snow Joke

This is a topic that came up in an earlier post LINK and is subsequently being "revisited"

Right, thats the formalities out the way, on with the post..........

I said I would so I am!

Finally cover something in the revisit list I mean.

Well not just anything in the list but the “lemony things” thing, as I said I would in my last post.

So, where to start, well, I absolutely LOVE all things lemony, I really do, cake/pudding/sweet thing wise, mmmmmmm ,lemony :-)

Thank you for listening............


You expected more?

Life can be a bugger sometimes can’t it.

While I’m on the subject of disappointment (lets be honest, as revisit posts go it’s quite a let down) I guess now is an appropriate time to insert something, here goes.............

(its a link, can you tell, click on it, go on, I dare you, click on it, click on it then press the "full sceen" button)

See, it isn’t only revisit posts that can be a disappointing let down, how do you think she feels, trained for years, the whole world (well bits of it) watching, her family and friends no doubt in the crowd and and and ooooops

No wonder she stayed down for so long, I wouldn’t have rushed to get up either, I’m sure you can see the snow melt around her, not in a ground open up and swallow her (which she desperately wanted I imagine) style, but in a so red with embarrassment my cheeks are melting the snow, way.

Even the commentator at the end of the piece has difficulty stifling a little chuckle, poor thing, her not him, well both, or neither, I don’t know, its not down to me, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

( ps, how observant of you to notice, I know I only did the "lemony" part of the revisiting and not the "alcohol" part, I will do that another time, maybe)

Friday, 12 February 2010

Have your cake and eat it........ 2 (the return of the sweet stuff)

Well all most sequels have some sort of silly tag line don’t they, they cant be satisfied with just adding a number (2 for example) so I emulated said sequel titles and added my own silly tag line.

Not that this post is a sequel, just the post title (well the first part) the post its related to (this one) has nothing to do with this one at all, well there is one shared element, a picture of a cake, but other than that no similarity at all.
This post would be better associated with this one, after all, they DO share much more of a similarity.

So what is this post about then, we I have already ascertained it is nothing to do with one post (bar the shared picture of a cake) and something more to do with another post.

Shall I tell you, shall I put you me out the misery that this post is undoubtedly brining already, ok then....


That is all........................

Actually that’s not all, far from it in fact, well it wouldn’t be like me to not aimlessly ramble away a bit would it, so I will.

I’m not going to go on about the whole 50th post thing (far too uninteresting) but I will witter away about some other nonsense for a bit.

When looking for the image for the post (I’m sure I have as much fun doing that as writing them sometimes) I found loads of suitable ones, but couldn’t resist the one I chose as it’s a lemon cake and as previously mentioned I adore anything lemony. It made sense to go with that one because I keep promising I will revisit an old topic and as one of them is all things of a lemon nature, I will make sure (hopefully) the next post that appears here will definitely (hopefully) be a revisit post related to a things of a lemony nature :-)

As a side note and before I finish I guess I should post a link to the purveyor of cakes from whom I stole got the image Venus Cakes, after all I have no wish to be accused of theft, far too much has been said on that topic recently and it's time to move on. Funnily enough (or not depending on your sense of humour) of all the places in the entire world they could be they are actually located not too far from me, small world eh, no, it’s bloomin massive, why do people say that????????????

I’m going to go now before I get started on another annoying topic and no it’s not going on the revisit list, for one the revisit list is getting to big anyway and b (and more importantly)....(see how I mixed my listings then, annoying isn’t it) a post that tried to cover why people say certain things, like “ its a small world” would be almost endless and 3 (got to keep mixing those listing styles) I have already posted something of a similar (in a loose association styleeee innit) nature anyway, more than once.

Friday, 5 February 2010

When is a post not a post...........

Post 1:

I was initially going to publish (ooh get me, publishing lol) I mean “put up on this ere site” a very short post along the lines of..... I was going to post tonight as I really fancied it but don’t feel particularly inspired or artistic? (as if) so I probably wont......... and leave it at that, but...

Post 2:

Whenever I post anything I like to find an accompanying image, quite often not something that could be associated immediately with the post title or content, but if you dig deep enough there invariably IS a link, somewhere, sometimes incredibly obvious, more often than not rather bizarre and abstract but it’s always there.

So I sought to find an image to accompany my very brief and incredibly short post that said.... “I was going to post tonight as I really fancied it but don’t feel particularly inspired or artistic? (as if) so I probably wont”..... as that is what I had planned for my original short and very brief post.

Post 3:

My search criteria for said image was indifference, it seemed appropriate, given the vagueness and lack of inspiration or artistic? (as if) foundation that the post was built on, so I typed in said word (indifference) and ploughed through the images that I was presented with. I often look for pages and ages (yes I know what I said there and no it wasn’t a typo) to find a “suitable” image, however, due to my lackadaisical approach to the post and planned briefness and even indifference, I didn’t do that this time, preferring to settle for a 2 page limit, you cant beat a 2 page limit, especially when you are feeling indifferent or lackadaisical.

Post 4:

Its not actually post 4, just like the previous three haven’t been post’s 1 2 and 3, I don’t know why I said it, I’m sorry, I think it was an indifference thing going on, it really is just one post, I wont pretend otherwise.....

Anyway, I looked for a suitable “indifferent” image and found this one first ...................................................

The image appeared before the one I actually used and I was very tempted to use it, as the "lead image" not only for its title “deliberate indifference” I mean indifference itself is good (for a post like this) but deliberate indifference, well, that’s even better surely, but also because the image itself, with the shadows etc is very good, it works, on many levels, but I didn’t, use it I mean, but then you know that, you have seen the one I did.

Post 5: aka final post, last post, il endo (sorry, watching The Godfather as I write this lol)...(although that probably sounds more Hispanic than Italian, but then I was never good at languages at school, struggle with English to be honest, innit)

Anyroad up, the image I plumped on was the one you see, like it or loathe it matters not to me, its there for reasons I can’t explain, its an image that’s embedded, an image ingrained, if the image you see, is one you like, well, that’s good then isn’t it.

Post 6: (I lied, 5 wasn’t the last one)

I normally spoil you with links and further information about things included or mentioned within a post, but not this time, if you want to know more about Frank Wu (I know I do, actually, I do already, well it was inevitable that I was going to look wasn’t it, I’m just choosing not to share on this occasion, I know, horrid aren’t I lol) or about Chris Wehner, then I suggest you go find out and if you can be bothered feedback to me, if not, well, its not important in the grand scheme of things is it lol, now leave me in peace to watch my film, thank you.

I havent forgotten I said I would revisit an old topic soon either, patience..............

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Fortune Teller

And before you ask, as I know you will, I know what you are like......

The title of this particular post does not refer to the song by the same name, you know the one, do I really need to tell you, ok, this one...... Fortune Teller.

Although that link only tells you about the song itself, which according to the information supplied was written by an American gentleman called Allan, but using the name Naomi, yes, I’m confused too, but then he (she?) is doing no harm so each to their own I guess.

When I first thought of the name for the post title (that itself is linked to the clip up there, was supposed to be the basis of this post and I will explain eventually I promise) I immediately had the song running through my head, as songs do when you recall them, so I thought I should track (track, get it, sorry)  it down and share it with the populus.

The actual version that was running through my head is this one which is from one of the very very bestest albums of all time.

However, as I sought out (no seeker gags I promise) the particular version I wanted I stumbled on this one too, don’t listen, its nowhere near as good (you can if you want, I did) ... ( bet then I had never heard it or knew of its existence, bloomin good year though, 1968) Its quite telling that at the start Pete comments on how it was only the second time they had played it (the first being the previous night) you can tell that yourself when you listen to the other version that was recorded 2yrs later lol, as I said, far better :-)

Enough of all that anyway, it’s not what this post was supposed to be about, it wasn’t my intention your honour, the post was supposed to be about that wonderful new device by Apple the “ipad
Trouble is I have sort of lost my momentum now; it’s an age thing I think, bit like the memory as I mentioned in my last post.

I think I will just get to the point, loosing interest at a dramatic rate now, I’m sure you are too dear reader, if you even made it this far, big congrats comin at cha if ya did blood.....

Right, ipad, yes, ummmm, I’m sure the jokes will be coming thick and fast over the coming months because of the name, not helped by Steve Jobs (co founder and CEO of Apple) describing the product as "so much more intimate than a laptop” don’t really help themselves do they lol

I do think it’s brilliant though that the people behind the sketch at the start of this post (all that time ago) had the foresight to “invent” the name ipad a full 4 years before Apple did, clearly they saw it serving a different purpose, but they still came up with the name, make good fortune teller's wouldn't they  :-)

ps, link overdose again I'm afraid...........

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Abu Hamza's hands

I was talking today, well I do, talk I mean, I guess the majority of folk do, what I mean is, I was talking to someone, I guess the majority of folk do, ok, I will drop that approach now, let me start again.....

I was talking to someone today about something, can’t remember what specifically, but the name Abu Hamza was mentioned, I had totally forgotten about that particular person.

I’m sure I have totally forgotten many other things too (it’s an age thing) and the trouble is you don’t know you have forgotten (forgetting is like that) until you are reminded by someone or something, like I was today.

Sometimes you are reminded and remember why you forgot, other times you are pleased to remember, other times still you remember, are quite unbothered by it but it poses a further question..... this particular reminiscence got me thinking, it caused me to ask why, why does he have hooks for hands, so, I set about finding out and once I had discovered this piece of (seemingly to me at the time) vitally important information I planned on sharing my new found knowledge with my loyal? Reader/s?.........

As a side note I spookily (or not) saw a rather interesting (and possibly useful) hook that was left unattended only a few hours previously. I actually think the subject of hooks will have to go on the revisit list too at some point, in fact it may as well go there now (although in all honesty it wont be revisited for a long while yet I feel) I also need to start working through my revisit list, its receiving very little attention from me and for that I apologise, I will definitely revisit something over the next week or so (but it wont be hooks, the time isn’t right lol)

So, getting back to the point in question (hook--- point---- do you see what I did there, sorry) remembering, or being reminded about something that makes you think “ooooh I forgot about that” and even worse “ ooooh I forgot about that, why did he have hooks for hands” well I’m now in a position to tell you, not tell you why you forget then remember (or are reminded about) things, no, that’s beyond the realms of a simple post such as this, the thing I can tell you, if you are at all bothered, or even still reading is why he had hooks for hands, apparently, he lost his hands while clearing mines in 1993.

No I don’t feel any different either............

Some section of this post will be revisited at some time (maybe 10 past 10) but

probably not, but at some time in the future (possibly) who knows...........