Saturday 17 October 2009


I'm not going to break into a jewellers and steal any gold its ok, oops, I mean I'm not going to break into song, I do hate tangents (not tangerines, they are ok) I mean tangents, as in going off on one, I don't mean I'm going off on one as in having a moan or getting stroppy, I mean going off on a tangent. I better move on..........

So, a dear, a female dear, oh no, that's wrong, its DOE isn't it, not John Doe, that's a name used for a person without a name in America apparently, I would probably call him Bob if it were me, but I'm not American, or called John, or Bob come to think of it.......

So, 21 today eh, oooooh, get you, all grown up now, congratulations (cue balloons, streamers and party food) so, how does it feel? Any different? No, I didnt think it would, after all its just another............... POST

Ah ha, you thought I was going to say day or year or some such thing didn't you, DIDN'T YOU! (sorry, getting all aggressive and shouty then for no reason at all, I do apologise)....(especially on your big day)

So, (3 so's in a row)..(a row of so's)..(a triple so row) actually thats not true, its not 3 in a row, there is an ah coming between them, its actually a so, so ah, so, almost got a Japanese feel to it, moving on........

So (another one) its your big day, your 21st, congratulations blog on reaching your 21st post, I hope you have a really enjoyable day, I would love to join you but I have a headache and Im tired, sorry :-)

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