Saturday 12 September 2009


A title for a post that could cover many things, but for this one (post) the confusion stems from summer.... as in the season of summer .......
I know its a bit of a cliche to go on about the weather or moan about summer (or lack of it) but I'm sure I must have missed this years. I know there were a few weeks (at the most and certainly not consecutive as in 14 solid days) of what you could call nice, classic summer weather.

Now, maybe its just me (although I doubt it) but when I was younger (a long while ago admittedly) I'm sure the summers were glorious and used to last for weeks and weeks. I remember as a child playing over the fields near where I lived day after day in the school holidays and every day was hot, magical and truly wondrous (ok I may be over selling it a bit lol) but they were special times, mind you I doubt the fields are there now, replaced by houses no doubt, the areas where I used to sit innocently with friends eating picnics made by mum are now probably someones front room or garden. I should return to the area where I grew up and knock on a strangers door and then proclaim that I have been in their garden and eaten a sandwich in their lounge, but I'm sure they wouldn't understand lol....

There is a song that reminds me of those days, not because it was released then, it was actually decades later, but for some reason it reminds me of the summers and childhood and how everything seemed so different as a child, I will have to have a hunt and place a link at some point.

STOP PRESS.... I found it :-) Little Fluffy Clouds

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